Summer Camp
Campers entering third through tenth grades join us for three or four weeks (or all summer!) to take part in all aspects of our Camp program: swimming, sports, boating, the challenge course, camping, singing, dancing, field trips, and more. They explore our Reconstructionist values and discover how they can live as part of a 24/7 Jewish community. As campers get older, they are able to dig deeper, climb higher, explore more, and try ever new and exciting opportunities – including taking on leadership roles and living in our incredible Eco-Village.
First-time campers are welcome to join us for the first two weeks of either session and entering second graders can join us for a week.
Teens entering eleventh grade have the incomparable opportunity to spend four weeks on the No’ar Hadash Israel Experience – climbing, swimming, singing, hiking, learning, and exploring their way through Israel. And for those high school juniors and seniors who only have a week to spend at Camp, the No’ar Hadash Leadership Experience is a perfect end to the summer.
Teen Programs
Family Camp
Want your whole family to have fun? After the season ends, join us at Family Camp for five days of swimming, sports, arts, experiential education, singing, dancing, flying on the zip line across the lake, celebrating Shabbat like in no other place, and being part of all the best that Camp Havaya has to offer.
Our goal is to provide a complete camping experience for each individual child. Please be in touch to discuss how we can find the right opportunity for your child.