Between touching the sky on our high-ropes challenge course, camping out under the stars,
Between touching the sky on our high-ropes challenge course, camping out under the stars, learning a new dance or song with friends, playing any number of sports, jumping around on the trampoline in our lake, swimming in the pool, and more, the fun at Camp Havaya never ends!
At Camp Havaya, we have archery, arts and crafts, basketball, birthday celebrations, camping, canoeing, concerts, cooking, dance, drama, experiential Judaism, farming, football, Ga-Ga, gardening, high and low ropes courses, hiking, street hockey, Israeli dancing, knitting, painting, singing, soccer, softball, swimming, talent shows, tennis, tikkun olam (social action), Ultimate Frisbee, volleyball … and so much more!
Here’s how a “typical” day looks….
Boker Tov
Good MorningWe work hard to make sure that each camper can play hard. Every detail is in place so that they can have the time of their life—every single day.
Aseyfah / Shakharit
Morning Gathering / ServicesSome mornings we share a song and a story. Other mornings we have a short musical service. Once a week, campers choose their own ways into prayer. Some days there are morning games where general silliness is the rule and other days we do Zumba. Whatever happens, it’s a great way to get the blood flowing and prepare everyone for a fun and exciting day.
Arukhat Boker
BreakfastCampers sit together with their cabin to begin the day with a delicious and healthy breakfast.
Clean UpClean-up contests (with prizes, of course!) help make daily “chores” more fun and rewarding.
Experiential Jewish ProgrammingCampers focus in fun and engaging ways on values, tikkun olam (social action), Israel, and “hot topics” that impact their lives throughout the year. From choosing values through jelly beans and ice cream to board games about living in two civilizations with dice the size of your head, we encourage each camper to explore our traditions and today’s world to discover what being Jewish means to them.
Soccer, basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, street hockey, ga-ga, volleyball, softball, lacrosse, kickball, and more.
ArtsDuring the course of the week, campers learn from visiting artists-in-residence, cook amazing food (often with vegetables from our garden), sing new songs and old favorites, create works of art in one of our studios, try out Israeli dances, and find their creative side.
Arukhat Tzohorayim
LunchWith open seating, campers can sit with friends from home, older siblings, or a favorite counselor.
CanteenAll campers are given funds to “purchase” Camp Havaya gear such as sweatshirts, stuffed animals, and water bottles, along with toiletries and any other needed items. No food is sold at the shuk!
Rest HourWith such a busy day, we all need a rest!
AquaticsSwimming lessons in our heated pool, boating on the lake, jumping on the water trampoline and blob, standup paddle boarding, and more fun in the water.
Breira 1
ElectivesCampers of all ages choose from nearly 30 different activities. From archery to sewing to Magic the Gathering, from journalism to Zumba to swim team, from lacrosse to Quidditch to painting, there’s something for everyone. After two weeks, campers choose new electives for the second half of the session.
Free TimeAll of camp gathers together to hang out, swim, play ga-ga, or just sit under a tree and read … and, of course, to have a snack.
Breira 2
ElectivesLike before, campers choose from nearly 20 different activities each week. Harim campers (entering freshmen and sophomores) spend this time hanging out in the Eco-Village.
ShowersArukhat Erev
DinnerCampers sit together with their cabin for another delicious meal – and for weekly theme nights.
Aseyfah / Ma’ariv
Evening Gathering / ServicesJust like in the morning!
Peulat Erev
Evening ProgramThere’s always more fun to be had, whether at a pool party or a talent show, running around for capture the flag or a scavenger hunt, performing in the Camp “Sing” or singing your heart out at a concert.
Z’man Tzrif
Cabin TimeAt the end of each day, campers check in with friends and counselors in their cabin, share great experiences from the day, and begin to look forward to another great day tomorrow….
Kibui Orot
Lights OutLaila Tov
Good NightWith a ton of special programs, the fun never stops!
Campers go tubing during morning pontoon boat rides, participate in inter-camp sports tournaments, sleep under the stars on overnight camping trips, dress up for Pirate Night and other theme nights, perform in the Camp “Sing,” build team spirit for Maccabiah (Olympics), and travel the world on International Day. They go on fun field trips (can you say waterpark?), sing their hearts out at amazing concerts, learn from skilled artists-in-residence, have late night pool parties, and perform in “Shabbat Unplugged” (our weekly all-camp talent show).
With so many things going on, the biggest challenge at Camp Havaya is figuring out what’s the most fun!